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Creating Amazing Light Effect Wallpaper in Photoshop CS4.


Create a new document, Fill the Background layer with color = #11193c using Paint Bucket Tool.


Select the Brush Tool and select Soft Round Pixel brush of size 300 or 400 from preset.

Make the Flow = 65%, color = #FFFFFF and make a blob at the bottom left corner.


In a new layer create a blue box or Download from any stock site, I have created the blue-colored box for this tutorial.


Create a new layer and rename it as “Ellipse”. Make an irregular ellipse using Lasso Tool and Fill it with #8CE3ED color, apply Gaussian Blur (Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur). Change the opacity of the Ellipse layer to 85%.


In order to create the sparks we will use the amazing brush engine. Add a new layer name it as  “Light Effects” layer, set white for the color and follow the images below.

Using the Layer Styles add a Outer Glow to the sparks.


Lets add some smoke. Create a new Layer, call it “Smoke”. Change its blend mode to Color Dodge and select the Lasso Tool. Set 40px for Feather and create a selection like I did below.

After that make sure that the foreground is white and the background is black and apply a Filter>Render>Clouds.

Change the Blend Mode to Color Dodge. Tip: Continue applying the filter until you get the best clouds.


Download Base 02 Font from

Add some Text using Text Tool and change the Blend Mode of Text Layer to Color Dodge.

Rasterize the Text Layer, and add some Highlights/Midtones using Dodge Tool to the Text layer. Add some sparks around the Text using the Brush that we used in Step5.

Conclusion: If you know a bit of Layer Styles and the Brush engine in Photoshop you will be able to create amazing effects. It will depend exclusively on your imagination and playing with the tools. Sometimes just changing a some settings and you get a totally different effect.


So this is it from my side, now its your turn to yep. Feel free to add comments. Let’s share pretty things!

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When you have an IDEA write it down.

Do you have any problem? Yes? Thats great. Lets learn how to solve it!

Let your mind incubate the information that has been before you, take each and every possible information you are getting regarding the problem. After this just turn yourself to other things and leave the problem alone in your mind. Put the things out of your mind by going fishing, concentrating on other things, riding a horse, driving somewhere, whatever.

But wait! Do you know what does “putting things out of your mind” means in the last sentence of the above paragraph? Of-course you don’t know! Anyways its ok let me explain to you; “putting things out of your mind” means you must push the problem into your subconscious mind, just like pouring the milk into an empty bowl, like you can do this by concentrating on other things. Then forget it! Get it completely out of your conscious mind and pour into your subconscious mind. When it tries to surface as the same old problem without a solution, push it back down and turn to something else, like if you are getting again and again the same old problem back in you conscious mind without any solution then repeat this process.

After your mind has had a chance to come up with a solution, one day it will come to you. It may be in your sleep, as you walking to work, or any number of other strange place or time.

Incubation is a problem-solving technique used by many creative problem-solvers of the world. Incubation allows you to solve problems you aren’t really worried about or consciously attempting to solve. It allows your mind to search out and solve problems that you may not have even recognized as problems.

Its like your mind needs time and space to search the solution of your problem and this can only be happen in your subconscious mind, thats why you must pour your problem from conscious mind to subconscious mind. And the rest will be taken care by your subconscious mind, if any solution comes up in your mind you will come to know about that consciously and then try that solution and if it doesn’t solves your problem or its not the optimum solution for you then repeat the process.

Many of the great discoveries of our time have come about by mistake. Scientists were working on problems that didn’t pertain to the great discoveries at all.

The great secret to incubation is to write ideas down. When a novel thought strikes your mind, WRITE IT DOWN, so that you can ponder and think about it more in depth later on.

How many times have you had good ideas come to you that you couldn’t remember later on? When you try to recall the “idea”, you can’t. But if you had written the thought down, you may have had the chance to develop a really revolutionary idea by thinking about it more in depth at a later date.

Ideas may come to you in your sleep. If they do, you can be reasonably sure if  you don’t write them down that by morning you won’t be able to recall anything in detail. Carry a piece of paper or book with you and write down your ideas, as soon as they comes up. You might be tremendously surprised at how many good ideas pass you by regularly that you never catch and stop long enough to develop.

Everyone has good ideas; it’s just that most don’t know how to recognize and develop the ideas that they have. Writing things down and allowing you mind to INCUBATE them will help tremendously.

“Fortune Favors The Prepared Mind.” –Loius Pasteur.

What do you think about this incubation technique to solve problems? Do you know any creative technique for solving problem? If yes then just drop something in the comment section and if not then also drop something in the comment section. I just love comments!  🙂
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Where did it take Us?

That train journey which began down from the Earth

Rang heaven’s bells, as if death was in dearth.

The journey certainly ended for them

but left behind mysteries to unfold.

And embarked on a series of tales untold

A burning train ignited a spark of hatred

People behaved like morons meanness spread

Star-studded skies were overlapped by clouds of smoke

Floods of blood in rivers seemed to be the day’s joke

Let people reveal there fake fears to make this World free of tears

Times are gone when battles were won by swords

Why fight when we’re all children of one GOD?


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